add brand consideration

>what if?


Shopping data is the most accurate descriptor of consumer characteristics and interests. acerno is the only ad network that can accurately segment and precisely target the audience you are trying to reach, whether they’re already partial to your brand, need some convincing, or favor your competitors’ offerings.


acerno uses anonymous shopping data contributed by hundreds of multi-channel retail and product manufacturer websites in our online cooperative to accurately describe who consumers are and what they are likely to be interested in. Time and time again, campaign results confirm that descriptive audiences based on shopping data yield better response than other online advertising programs—verifying that they’re the right audience.


acerno precision targeting kills media waste and boosts consumer response. So depending on how many right consumers you want to reach with your ad budget, we will dial up our high quality media network of the comScore Top 100 websites to generate more thoughtful consideration and appreciative response for your brand.


>add incremental sales

"acerno precision targeting kills media waste and boosts consumer response."